Team Analysis
Discover which skills your team possesses and which might be missing.
When people come together in a group with a common goal something happens. And not always what was originally intended. Teams may have issues staying focused, running past deadlines or going over budget. Alternately, your team may be operating well, but business success and financial gain keeps eluding.
“Marije is a BG5 wizard – as came out loud and clear when working with our group. Her analysis of the various dynamics in our team of five was spot-on, revealing the leaders and the complement to them provided by those who dove-tailed in support.
She certainly presents her information very well. She gave a detailed presentation to our team and everyone seemed to feel that they got a lot out of it.
It was quite interesting for us to come together in this way and be shown the logical connections in terms of our general understanding of how our group functioned in its various combinations.” – Henry, CEO, Astrograph
An effective team uses several critical business skills for business success. This can be shown with a BG5™️ Unified Group Analysis. Discover which skills your team possesses and which might be missing. Learn how your team’s performance can be optimized and how to best manage each individual.
Knowing what each team member brings in terms of skills and strengths and how the group can benefit, as well as how the team performs inter-relationally, can help structure the team holistically, for optimal results.
Marije is a very skilled facilitator. She has a deep understanding and mastery of the subject and its many aspects and uses. She speaks with authority yet with a humility and grace to her words which so beautifully and accurately describe what she is explaining.
She has a way of being that facilitates people brilliantly in bringing forward their essence and the essential clarifying information, nurturing people’s learning.
Marije invites people to express comfortably, yet she does not waste time and has a gift in synchronizing what can be complex information in to clear and meaningful form. All with great insight and passion.