Soul Shelter
Soul Shelter is a daily offering to you provide a moment of calm and balance during the pandemic. With our schedules adjusted, rhythms and routines changed, there is a lot of stress and anxiety swirling around. And yet, this current event is part of the shifting of the planet. This Shift has been happening for quite a number of years; the Coronavirus is part of the process.
Things still will be happening and affecting all of us. However, you do have some say in how you move through this period. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be afraid, or that it’s wrong to have fear. Fear is a natural reaction to change, especially when it happens on such a grand scale. But fear can spin you out. A lack of control in what is happening can make you lose perspective of what is True.
And what is True is that underneath and surrounding it all, you are supported by the Universe. You are loved so much more than you can even imagine. And this support and love can be your guidance to get through this period. Because we will get through this.
I hope that these daily messages bring you a moment of care, comfort and connection as we move through this phase in time.