What Clients Say About Career Coaching & Business Analysis
‘I have just completed my first 90-days with my new role at —– and am really enjoying it so far! Going into the new role, I took a lot of the lessons from our exercises about what I value, how my values align with the company, and what I want to get from this role. By going into the role so focused allowed me to hit the ground running and feel confident as I was starting in a new environment. At the end of the first week, I received a compliment from my boss about how I was handling the onboarding process so well and he encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing.
‘I’ve been working with my coach Marije Miller for the past 2 years. During this time, Marije has helped me enormously with the evolution of my new career. Marije is a superb listener, she is warm, supportive, validating, experienced, and extremely smart. There have been times when I’ve felt insecure moving forward, and Marije was, without exception, always in my corner rooting for me.
Marije has provided me coaching in using helpful techniques, including HeartMath®, that have absolutely served and supported me in my personal growth, as well as in my career goals. Most recently, when I was feeling too alone and looking for a community of like-minded entrepreneurs, Marije generously gave me direction.
I can honestly say that without Marije’s career coaching. I would have thrown in the towel by now in defeat. With Marije, I feel hopeful and rejuvenated. She is amazing and I am eternally grateful!’ -Mary, Wellness Coach
“Marije is a BG5 wizard – as came out loud and clear when working with our group. Her analysis of the various dynamics in our team of five was spot-on, revealing the leaders and the complement to them provided by those who dove-tailed in support. She certainly presents her information very well. She gave a detailed presentation to our team and everyone seemed to feel that they got a lot out of it. It was quite interesting for us to come together in this way and be shown the logical connections in terms of a Unified Group Analysis that corresponded to our general understanding of how our group functioned in its various combinations.” – Henry Seltzer, CEO
“When I first encountered Human Design/ BG5, I had my doubts – it sounded esoteric – but based on everyone raving, I gave it a try with a favorite client. The results were incredible.
She had been working long hours for several years – getting by, but never developing traction in her business. She had to be in constant action, never able to slow down, because she always needed to secure the next contract.
Based on the BG5 insights, we re-engineered her approach, to use her innate abilities to bring the clients towards her, instead of her pursuing them. The first sign we were on track is how much she relaxed and felt happier. And within a short time, her plate was full of opportunities.
It has remained full for 2 years, with substantially reduced effort, and lots more peace – all from re-designing her approach to match her personality. ”–Ellie Pope, Business Coach
‘Marije’s coaching helped me create a successful business in a much shorter time than I would have been able to on my own, with fewer mistakes and wrong directions. She helped me both personally and professionally think clearly about my goals and values and how they affect all aspects of my life!’ –Sharon Broughton, Owner
“An excellent leader and resources provider for the professional. Coaching aligned with innovative technology to back up the science-based [practices]. Marije offered facilitation of individual and group setting services where she provided a comprehensive education and heartfelt support to new coaches and mentors. Her exceptional service targeted the precise barriers that I experienced and our time spent in classes consistently fostered growth, exquisite communication and reliable support.” Mariola, Nurse Consultant
“…My attitude and willingness to grow and keep going down a (much stronger) path is directly related to our work. Your willingness to challenge me, refocus my energies and point out some tendencies that I had not seen in myself before kept the work interesting and vital. (But in specific..)
1. My ability to be more objective in interpersonal communication with staff who report to me.
2. Recognizing and utilizing my strengths to bring out the strengths in others.” – Denise, Program Director
“The whole experience was so valuable for me it’s hard to find things that didn’t work! Your ability to grab words I was using to help me uncover dreams and desires as well as likes, dislikes, and fears was marvelous. I’m excited about my life and its possibilities again. The process took me from a place where I was frustrated with my current employment and dreamed vaguely of a more fulfilling existence to a place where I now am actively pursuing a concrete dream that fills me with excitement, passion and joy. I am able to see my current job as a valuable lesson and a place where I learned skills that will serve me in anything I do going forward. I defined the dreams that had lurked below my vague hopes for a better life and simultaneously began a wholesale clearing of the thoughts and fears that were holding me back from pursuing those dreams.
Though still waiting to be laid off from my job, I’ve put together a list of services I’ll be offering in the coming months that speak to who I am, what I’m passionate about, and the unique contributions I have to make to the world. I’m going to be pursuing a Masters Degree in the fall that not only moves me into a realm I didn’t think I could be accepted in, but will be custom tailored to my unique interests and qualifications. While I have moments of fear about having no formal employment (translation: steady corporate job) I am filled with the sense that if I continue moving in the direction of my passion and joy, I’ll always find the solutions to whatever challenges crop up along the way.” – Kristin, Movement Coach
‘Marije’s firm and caring approach helped get focused on my top priorities and on what I want to accomplish. She was able to help me determine what obstacles stood in way, how to get around them, and achieve my goals and objectives.’ –Michael, Engineer
‘Marije came into my life at a time when I needed her desperately, and didn’t even realize it. She had the insight to see my dilemma before I did, and she brilliantly pulled me out of the rut I was sinking further into. I had been making life and family decisions based on all the wrong reasons. I was so busy keeping up with life’s daily demands, that I never stopped to think about what I wanted out of life, and where I had hoped I would be at this point in time.
Marije got to the heart of my problems with her finely-tuned listening and paraphrasing skills, which resulted in brilliant insights about me, I had never known before. She probed deep into the core root of my long, lost dreams and desires to find out what I truly wanted in life. Her homework assignments taught me to be honest with my true, inner self.
After just a few sessions with Marije, and my new positive outlook, my life began to improve. Within weeks, I was offered a new and exciting career in a beautiful community where, I know my family and I will be happy forever. I know, now, that I’m on my true path in life.
Marije is not like a psychologist or counselor that just listens to my problems. She’s that guardian angel we all secretly desire that truly has my best interests at heart, and wants me to succeed for me. She’s brilliant!!! There is no greater investment I could have made. It’s an investment in myself… and my family’s future happiness.’–Schnee, Architectural Manager
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