What Clients Say About Coaching & Human Design
‘I live in Europe and Marije has been helping me for almost 8 years by telephone. I can honestly say I don’t know how I would have got through this time without her fantastic listening ability and incisive questioning and gentle guidance.
I contacted Marije because I was overwhelmed and over-stressed and it was taking a toll on my health. The tools I learned also helped me reduce my high blood pressure and be more present to spending quality time with my husband.
After he died, dealing with step children and then 2 years later talking about my mother dying allowed me to look at all the strategies for dealing with emotions and grief again, which gave me great strength.
Somehow Marije just knows what to say and ask the right questions and this in turn makes thinking over the situations available and allows analysis of what is really going on possible.
With her help I now feel able to control my blood pressure and feel relaxed and able to look openly and clearly at my emotions. My life now is much happier, calmer and more accepting of how things are. This leads in turn to less fear and more fun and the ability to take on new things.
My late husband filled the house with music every day running choirs and practicing the piano for at least 3 hours every day composing and playing duets with friends – I missed this music so much. Recently I had the courage to join a choir and I have started to learn the piano so I can create music in the home again. This would not have been possible without learning about being kind to myself – self compassion.’ -Sue

‘I just wanted to Thank You again for my Human Design reading and for being on the phone with me the other day. I had the opportunity this morning to replay the (recording of the reading) and there were so many nuggets of wisdom and truth, some that make more sense to me now a year later and some that I needed to remember. I could see my growth from that first reading and where I am on my journey.
I recently went through a tough situation that required lots of HM tools and listening to the replay brought clarity to how the situation and my role in it came to be. Thanks again for your wonderful presence, and for being who you are and giving from the heart. With so much Gratitude,’ -Bernice
‘I’ve thought of you often since our last session and just want to say THANK YOU. You guided me through a very powerful process. We dove right into what has been a core and circulating issue since the beginning – trust – and you left me with a powerful question that I have worked with since. It lead me to some very powerful realizations/experiences bringing a glimpse of previous understanding FAR deeper, into the experiential level. It took on very visceral, healing and immediate meaning after our session. I feel very comforted, my questions about having observed so much pain answered. I understand, I’m not fighting against what is. It has REALLY REALLY HELPED. Thank you so much, Marije.’ –Suzanne
‘Thank you again, Marije! What a wonderful gift you give with your insight and guidance through this amazing information. Yes, definitely very useful and enlightening.’ -Elizabeth
‘Thank you so much for your time with Thomas on Saturday. I came home after his appointment and his face was so dear… he was staring at the charts and had this look – I don’t know quite how to describe it – fascination, wonder, revelation, the deep satisfaction of having been seen and so so much gratitude – and all were all rolled up and pouring out of him in the most quiet, serene, profound way. I will remember that look for a long time’. –Jenny
‘Thanks a lot for your help, you have made me think in a different way, probably in a more compassionate way about myself and others’. –Lina M García
‘Thank you so much for introducing me to such an amazing process! That was a lot of information – like learning a new language or way of looking at things. I get that I can understand better how to be more OK with some of my attributes that sometimes get in the way.’ -Charlotte
‘Oh Marije, I really want to thank you for my reading. You took the extra time to make sure I got all I could out of our time together and you were very patient with helping me understand the meanings in my chart. I really see where a lot of the info we talked about explains much about my life. Invaluable information. I want to add that you are very gifted as a coach in all areas you serve in. Thanks again with a sincere Heart.’ -Bernice
‘I have such high regard for the work that you do and the insight that you bring to the Human Design readings. They are really special!!!’- Julieanne
‘Marije, I wanted you to know that the techniques you introduced me to, have been very powerful. Things are definitely moving… I am feeling more at peace and just more neutral… and I’ve had two people in the past two days say that I look “much better” – I guess maybe the Munch scream is fading?? :-)’ -Suze
‘(Your coaching) really made a difference in my energy and outlook. Thanks for being there for me in your special way.’ –Anna
‘I was looking for a way to stay focused on my goals. Also, I wanted a place to bounce ideas around. These expectations were met with every meeting. Coaching was more than I expected.
Looking back I realize that each time Marije pointed out to me that I had taken a step closer to my goal, I was motivated to continue working to get even closer to it. Marije is very good at letting you know when you accomplish something, even the smallest step. This way I was able to see them for myself and give myself credit for them.
It was helpful for me each time Marije let me know when I was avoiding the work. She does this in a direct way but without judgment. When Marije repeated things I said, it let me know I was being heard and that we were on the same page. I found the experience very valuable. I continue to pull from the sessions when I need to refocus.’ -Julia
‘I just want to say thank you again for the wonderful work you’ve catalyzed. I have a big inner smile that goes in deep… Sincerely (thank you!)’ -Julieanne
‘Marije Miller is a skilled personal coach. One of the most important qualities for a coach–and one which she possesses in abundance–is the ability to cut into the heart of an issue and to focus on it without projecting her own judgment on her clients’ issues and lives.
Marije coached me through two months when my life was in transition in nearly every aspect. My response to the upheaval I was feeling at the time was to just avoid the issues, and Marije helped me to re-focus on what I held important, and then with getting what I needed to.
I appreciate Marije for supporting me in being accountable for my goals and plans; for her encouragement throughout this time and beyond; and for her clarity when my thinking was clouded.’ -Nikki
‘I liked having the freedom to discuss what was on my mind. I could openly discuss any problem that I was having and it would be well received. I feel that I benefited from coaching quite well. I got new focus, and coaching helped to locate my internal motivation. Coaching helped to direct me to where I really wanted to be.
I was not looking hard enough at the road that I wanted to travel, but coaching helped me to get back on track and take the steps towards reaching my goals. Coaching has boosted my self- esteem quite a bit. It was a major help to work on things that I have accomplished and goals that I have reached. It is something that I never paid attention to, or was embarrassed to for fear that I was being too vain.
But I learned that it is not being vain, it just showed me what I am able to do, and what more I am capable to accomplish. I like knowing I have a fan out there, supporting me in my decisions! Thank you times 1,001!’ -Summer
‘I really enjoyed the talks I had with Marije, I feel great. I am permanently changing my should to could!!!!!! I was able to talk and talk and then Marije would ask this awesome question and I would have a very important insight by the end of the session. Marije showed me I was able to make a life change that is perfect for me and my values.’ –Connie
‘Marije has a gift of guiding, coaching and motivating from her heart. In a very short time I was tackling and accomplishing things that I had been merely talking and thinking about doing for months. Amazing! I would recommend Marije to anyone who wants to get unstuck in their life or wants to improve their quality of life and feel so much better about themselves. She truly can help you live Your Greatest Life. As a coach, she can be your guardian angel.’ -Greg
‘Marije’s approach during our coaching session was very direct, yet gentle. She got quickly to the point where I needed help. Afterwards I felt good, but also very tired, because we worked through so much. Maybe that’s because of my M.S., but now that I’ve rested I feel so much clearer. I really feel encouraged; I felt fearful and kind of in a rut, but I feel so much stronger now! I am excited to start the project we’ve designed together!’ -Britt
‘Marije, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the time and effort expended on your behalf in our meetings. Your focus and prompt attention to the issues at hand, along with the continued support that you offer make reaching those goals a reality. It’s a pleasure knowing you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!” -Barbara
‘Marije is an absolute gem. There is no doubt that she thoroughly enjoys her work. It shows in her total commitment to her clients and their success. There’s nothing ‘cookie cutter’ about Marije’s approach. She digs in and gets to know her clients and helps them achieve their goals on their terms, at their pace, and to how each client is wired up.’ -Rick