by newdots2 | May 13, 2022 | being present, black lives matter, energetic turbulence, human design, Uncategorized
There is a lot of energetic turbulence going on right now.If you are any sort of sensitive, you’ll most likely have been feeling lots of emotions the past number of days. Like many people, I, too, have experienced feelings of grief, sadness, and frustration with a...
by newdots2 | Sep 18, 2018 | Acts of Kindness, Appreciate, Be kind, being present, Careers, Connect with others, Purpose, share our value, Sharing, Uncategorized
I just returned from a wonderful vacation to Europe with my husband and youngest daughter! It was amazing, traveling all over England and The Netherlands. Now I’m thrilled to be back at work again, having a chance to connect with you!You may know, that for the last 17...
by newdots2 | Sep 8, 2018 | Being equal, being present, Careers, challenges, coping, Differences, set intentions, share our value, Uncategorized
Decades ago it used to be so that once you worked for a company, you would stay there for the rest of your life. The company would take care of you through your health care and retirement. Especially in the US, this is no longer the case. Over the past few decades,...
by newdots2 | Aug 18, 2018 | Anxiety, Balance of relationships, being present, challenges, Corona times, Get Grounded, go inward, loneliness, Love, meditation, Sharing, Uncategorized
Thank the Universe for autocorrect… Yes, it’s Mercury Retrograde, which means that all things connected with communication can go awry, including technology. In my case, in this moment my keyboard is malfunctioning and for some reason the letter ‘i’ doesn’t work...